Monday, November 18, 2019

10 Most Effective Employee Tracking Software Features For Monitoring Remote Employees

Advancement in technology makes it possible for any business to set up their workplace even in remote areas. It also allows the employees to work there without any problem. It not only provides an opportunity to hire more capable employees from remote places but also helps cutting down the cost of utilities like rent and food. 

Even though there are so many advantages you get from expanding the wings of a business, there are still some of the problems like - employers does not have proper information about their employees. It is hard to check whether the employees are actually working on their assigned tasks or having fun on their productive time. Some of the employee monitoring software are actually working hard to help employers overcome such issues.

What Is Employee Monitoring/ Tracking?

Employee monitoring/tracking is the process of using various surveillance methods for tracking the activities of your employees, to keep an eye upon their productivity. It also helps one in avoiding leakage of any confidential information. It also helps in promoting discipline in the workplace along with boosting the productivity of any employee.

Are There Any Tools For Tracking Remote Employees?

Yes, there are various tools available online to track the activities of any employees' activities and avoid misuse of resources that are provided to them on their workplace. A good tracking software also helps you with email monitoring, software monitoring, telephone tapping, video surveillance, location monitoring, and a lot more. 

Some of the tools that are trusted by the employers the most are - Empmonitor, Hubstaff, Active Collab, Monitask, etc. 

What Are The Features Of Such Software? 

Employee Tracking Software Features

There are some set of features that any employer can look for the employees situated in remote locations. Some of the most common features are listed down below -

1. Time logging 

This feature helps the employer to track the login and logout time of their employees. It can help you to monitor the exact number of hours your employees spend working in a day.

2. Screenshot Monitoring 

One of the easiest ways to monitor whether your employees are properly utilizing their production hours or not. You can easily differentiate the total timing your employee is working sincerely with the help of screenshots. One can easily track the total hours spent on working, on non-productive things, and one can easily track that none of their confidential information is leaked in any way.

3. Active time tracking 

With the help of this feature, one can easily track the total time spent by a person on moving a mouse or typing after they login to their systems. 

4. Project management/ task tracking 

It is one of the fundamental features that you can expect from any of the monitoring software. This also helps the employers to keep track of the progress on each project they are working on. Best part of using monitoring software is that every feature they provide works well for different geographical regions as well. 

5. E-mail monitoring 

With this feature, employers can easily keep track of each emails that are sent or received by the employees. And it also helps one avoid spilling of crucial data or files from the office.

6. Keystroke logging 

It is an advanced feature that captures the actual text typed or information fed by the keyboard and can be reviewed later by the employer. It is one of the best employee tracking software features, but can cause some legal issues as it is accessing someone’s personal information. 

7. Social Media monitoring 

It keeps a record of all the social media sites used by an employee and the total time spent on each website. As social media is one of the major cause of goldbricking, this feature is beneficial to diminish employee distraction. 

8. Real-time Tracking 

This is one of the advance features that allows an employer to track on-screen activities performed by an employee. It restrains employees to perform any kind of non-productive work during working hours. 

9. Print tracking 

It shows the employer which documents of the company gets printed on remote server and prevents any leaking of any company information. This is the reason why employees, are restricted to print any of there official documents outside the office premises without informing to their managers and team leads. 

10. Advanced project management 

This feature statistically compares the projects planned and performed by any employees. It also helps in budgeting projects, invoices, etc. This feature, thus, makes it easier to track the progress of a company as a whole. 


Monitoring the work of any employee is one of the most crucial things for any employers. As it helps them in tracking their productivity and keep on checking any illegal activities happening inside the firm. Tracking of employees productivity can be illegal and thus, choosing a tool with proper permissions can do wonders. Also, above mentioned are some of the features that you must keep an eye on before choosing it for your company.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Monitor Employees' Computer: Choosing A Compelling Monitoring Solution For Your Workplace

An organization is incorporated with all types of employees. While some entirely dedicated to their work, whereas some don’t take their responsibility seriously. Such employees often pay more attention in playing games, using social media or searching for prohibited content on company-owned gadgets.

With the extensive expansion of online work, it becomes crucial for employers to keep a track on their employee's activities. And one of the most appropriate ways of doing that is using a software designed to Monitor Employees' Computer. Well, observation is not the sole purpose of monitoring, the accumulated data will also be useful whenever any violation occurs within the company. 

But, before you pick up an employee monitoring software, there are few things you should understand first. This comprehensive guide will help you to get started and let you make a better selection.

What Does Employee Monitoring Software Mean?

Monitoring software come up with a set of tools that can effectively record your employee’s behavior. By installing these kind of software at your workplace, you can figure out what websites your employees access, read out their messages, what apps they use as well as records of the file they open. The method of employee monitoring intends at safeguarding the company’s policies and assures employee productivity too.

Features You Should Consider Before Choosing Monitoring Software.

Website Monitoring

Monitor Website's Activity
  Web page monitoring feature record the details which includes the date and time when web pages are opened. Apart from that, one can conveniently put all the banned and problematic sites into the queue so that whenever employees attempt to access such websites, a warning notification sent automatically to the administrator.

App Monitoring


Apps monitoring feature is entirely similar to website monitoring, but here applications are monitored instead of web pages. If an employee is playing games during working hours or using apps that are not related to their work, the admin can figure out the time and duration as to how long applications were being used.

Email Monitoring

Email Campaign Monitoring
Sending emails is the most vital activity for any business. In order to manage email marketing campaign successfully, email format and attachments are subject to be viewed by the administrator.

Saving Screenshots


Most of the employee monitoring software has the features to take screenshots in real-time that provides employers an instance of seeing what their employees are doing exactly. Some can even record video clips to give a clear view of the employee’s workplace activity.

Detachable Devices Monitoring

Detachable Devices plays a significant role when it comes to transferring of any company’s sensitive data. Monitoring software notifies you whenever someone tries to attach devices to the company’s systems. In this way, you can save save valuable data from getting out of the organization. In short, you avoid policies infringement.

Should Employees Know That They Are Under Surveillance?

Most of the employers understand that when employees know about the presence of monitoring software at their workplace, they will start behaving differently. So if you want to get an appropriate illustration of how your employees act when they think that nobody is watching them, maintain secrecy. In a nutshell, it is wholly up to you, whether you want to tell your employees or not.

How To Choose The Best Monitoring Software?

Monitor Employees' Computer     
Set A Budget: Everyone aim to choose software that acts as the ultimate solution to their business needs. But, the cost is the most influential factor when it comes to the specifics of the software. If you want the best, make sure to evaluate your budget first. It saves you from bearing unnecessary cost exceeding the budget.

Read Testimonials: Once you list out budget-friendly products, it’s time to narrow down your selection. For this, you need to visit their respective website to read out client testimonials and company’s past achievements.

Attend Trial Session: A dominant employee monitoring software provides the facility of demos for their customers without imposing any charges on them. Since it’s free, you will be able to study the product features thoroughly.


The process of choosing an efficient monitoring software becomes straightforward when you follow a systematic approach. Currently, IT firms cannot even imagine of commencing their business without the installation of monitoring software to their employee's system.

Friday, September 6, 2019

07 Crucial Tips For An Effective Team Management

Want to manage your team effectively?

Every organization wishes to have a team that works well and puts all their hard work in gaining success. But somehow they fail to do so!

And for this failure, there can be hundreds of reasons. The most common reason for this type of failure is just because of not having proper management.

See, the job of a manager is not only to manage the company, but it also includes managing their employees in the best manner. And so managing your team in the most efficient manner has become an important thing.

Do you also wish to manage your team efficiently?

If yes! Then check out this article to get the latest employee management tips.

But before that!

What is Employee Management?

Well, employee management is nothing but an attempt or you can also say a kind of effort to encourage their employees to give their best every day in order to accomplish all the goals of the company. And there are a lot of work and responsibilities that come under employee management:
  1. Selecting
  2. Observing
  3. Communicating
  4. Compensation
  5. Discipline

Now, let us have a look at the tips for effective team management:

  • Keep up good communication

All employees need to be updated about the projects going on, objectives, and time limits as well. So it is important that you discuss well with them, and notify them about the things going on inside the company. Another thing is that you need to motivate your employees so that they will feel encouraged, and will feel free to convey their message to you.

  • Create a positive working relationship

It is crucial to be acquainted with all your team members. Know what they want, what motivates them to work hard, and above all, know their interests. This will build a better relationship with your employees.

  • Authorize works to the right person

As we discussed in the earlier point, that, building a strong relationship with your employees is very important. Because, having a good relationship will help you know about their interests, choices, and most importantly, it will help you know their strengths.

Just keep one thing in mind, employees perform better and are more engaged with their work, where they believe they are using their best abilities!

So designating work to the right person who can do it well, will automatically increase the productivity level.

  • Set up a good example!

Your employees will look towards you for proper guidance, and motivation, so it is important that you provide them with a good example in order to gain their trust, and respect.

And if you want them to act professionally, and want them to be committed to their work, then you should first do your work in the most professional manner! Just become an example for them, so that they will work properly.

  • Be Conclusive!

What do you mean by a good leader? The one who manages his team perfectly. Right? Wait, the decision also matters a lot.

So, try to know the goods and bads about your employees and make the decision accordingly.

Remember, there is no place for foolishness in a leader's position. Be careful and choose the best one.

  • Appreciate good works!

Don't ever be one of those bosses, who only give feedbacks, or appreciates his employee's works, when he has got something to evaluate. But be the real boss, who acknowledges his team and their work whenever they do complete a project! Whether it be small or a big one.

Appreciate the way your employees are putting all their efforts and hard works to complete a task. Doing so will help your employees to get motivated, and, it will also boost their confidence level as well.

  • Set up an employee management system

Employee Management Tool

The above-stated points were all about how to set up a great relationship with your employees, and what type of behavior will be the best for your employees. Apart from that, having proper information about your employees, like what kind of activities they perform in the workplace and how many hours they spend to complete a single task.

And for this, getting an Employee Management tool installed at your office place will help you know about all the activities of your employees, or say you can keep an eye on your employees.

So, try to look for the best tool.

Also, you can watch the video to know about the Best Employee Monitoring Software:


Managing your team in the best effective way is an important thing! I hope this article will help you all to get information about the best, and the latest tips, to manage your team effectively.

Monday, August 19, 2019

07 Employee Tracking Software Features That Are Legal and Safe to Use


Any business can improve their productivity at the workplace by introducing some ethics and incorporating discipline. Monitoring the employees’ activities is one of the primary steps to achieve, but it is a sensitive area for sure when it comes to legal aspects of using such software. 

Keeping track of all the activities performed by an employee might uncover some of their very personal information. Thus before using various surveillance strategies, one must be aware of all the legal aspects of using any employee monitoring software. 

An Outline of Basic Types Of Employee Monitoring Software 

Employee Tracking Software Features

1. Performance Monitoring Software: 

These software aim at tracking the performance of an employee by screenshot monitoring, active time tracking, project monitoring, and task tracking, etc. They solely provide information related to the tasks performed in general by any employee and does not support spying on an employee. 

2. Spyware: 

Any such software collects information from an employee which may be sensitive or very personal to them. Keystroke logging is one of the examples of such features which ‘spy’ on the exact words typed by the employees. 

3. Personal Data: 

It includes information about very personal data of a person- religious beliefs, ethnic origin, political opinion, genetic information, health information, criminal record, biometric information, etc. 

Legalized Features of A Tracking Software That Can Be Used Anywhere 

Employees do have some expectations of privacy in any company. Thus there are some of the employee monitoring features that may lead a company into legal repercussions. Some of the very fundamental employee tracking software features that are legal are: 

1. Attendance Monitoring by Biometrics: 

Attendance monitoring is very crucial because low attendance leads to low productivity. Automated Biometric Information can be used to track the exact time of login and logout of employees into their office. 

2. User Login And Logout System Monitoring: 

Monitoring the logging in and out of a computer helps to track the exact number of hours spent by the employee on it, out of the total time logged into the office. 

3. Active Time Tracking: 

This form of monitoring tracks and records the total time spent in moving the mouse and typing in the keyboard and does not record the exact words/ data feeding into the system. 

4. Website URL, Social Media URL: 

It is legal to track the websites and social media sites accessed by an employee during work hours, to ensure that they are spending their time only on work-related tasks on the internet, and aren’t misusing their resources. 

5. Task Tracking & Document Monitoring: 

It is done to track the productive work performed by an employee and the speed with which they are completing their given tasks/ projects. It also gives employers access to the documents in which they are updating their work and helps to track their progress. 

6. Print Tracking: 

It is a very crucial feature that helps any business to keep an eye on any of their work-related documents getting printed from any remote server. 

7. Video Surveillance at the Workplace: 

Recording the employee’s activities in common areas and entrances avoid any crime from happening at that place. It is legal in workplaces, provided that the cameras are away from the bathrooms or locker rooms.


Tracking an employee is a very crucial part of any workplace, but there are some legal aspects of monitoring them. Any business must keep in mind the privacy of its workers and better understand the laws before spying on their employees. 

Thursday, July 18, 2019

PC Tracking Software: An Eye for Tracking Computer’s Activity


As this is a period of computerisation and modernisation. Each knows about utilising a PC and web. A standout amongst the most PCs, that is utilised regularly utilised for some prospects everywhere throughout the world independent of age and calling. High school kids notwithstanding hazardous destinations could get incorporated into watching recordings or access grown-up they that have not intended to channels. Likewise, staff in the business through may keep occupied themselves in their non-endeavour office work which Procedures Decrease Overall the productiveness of the association in addition to the Employees Overall execution inclination. PC following programming is programming That approach HELPS the individual to follow every one of the exercises Performed on the PC. Guardians CAN take the help of this product to recognise what is doing Their kids on the PC. Likewise, this product introduced by year CAN BE Their association in representative’s PC to follow what They are doing in the available time.
To Maintain a positive legitimate work process through the organisation hours, There exists programming for some gadgets to screen every one of the exercises in the Which May Performed PC frameworks. Looking for in the Want, PC checking devices CAN BE Used pick Which preparing in the following everything to do all around the PC framework. This incredible programming helps technique Operators, Supervisors, mothers and fathers just as accomplices to comprehend them from the people dealing with your PC. 

Administrator staff individuals from Can without much of a stretch watch out for the staff’s year by the thought Which activities more often than not includes for the reason That criminologist photographic camera. Mother and father share the very same which PC framework utilising their’s kids April snare, their exercises, besides, to tell these at whatever point they stop by Several items and arrangements unwelcome. In any case, the director from the Institution of CAN is by all accounts the web schedules including students of history working with the PC frameworks.
Some of the time, Company May Possibly do with the corruption in execution with the organisation at last lead to Which May Reduced profit. The following programming encourages you to discover what is done in the PC framework, which is unequivocally gotten to sites, messages precisely what have just been sent, what is downloaded or transferred documents and some more. Many individuals may relate picture this to turn into conflict with individual security, yet it radically Often Becomes essential to put vigorously the program inside the PC framework checking programming.
The PC following programming will help the oldsters by essentially pretty much all work area working making practices with all the workstation, just as a chief, tells the best way to go together with information about the PCs used through. This product tracks and catches screen captures of the PC work area visited website pages records.
As this is a period of computerisation and modernisation. Each knows about utilising a PC and web. A standout amongst the most PCs, that is utilised regularly utilised for some prospects everywhere throughout the world independent of age and calling. High school kids notwithstanding hazardous destinations could get incorporated into watching recordings or access grown-up they that have not intended to channels. Likewise, staff in the business through may keep occupied themselves in their non-endeavour office work which Procedures Decrease Overall the productiveness of the association in addition to the Employees Overall execution inclination. PC following programming is programming That approach HELPS the individual to follow every one of the exercises Performed on the PC. Guardians CAN take the help of this product to recognise what is doing Their kids on the PC. Likewise, this product introduced by year CAN BE Their association in representative’s PC to follow what They are doing in the available time.