Saturday, May 9, 2020

05 Ways To Track Remote Staff’s Productivity Efficiently


I am sure you already know all about remote employee monitoring software and their implementation in all the industries currently, due to the pandemic. That may sound convenient to you, but there are lots of things to be taken into consideration. 

When an employee is working from home, he/she is not bound by the rules or by the ever-watching eyes of the manager. There are also many distractions while working from home like; TV, phones, pets, etc. All of these factors lead to low productivity. Thus, to ensure that this doesn’t happen in your organization, I have put together five key ways with the help of which you track the productivity of your remote employees efficiently. 

1. Set Goals
Determine Goals
Setting goals for your employees is necessary as it helps you track their daily or weekly productivity. You should distribute the tasks between the whole team equally; this will decrease the workload on a single employee and help him/her maintain a better work-life balance. 

This strategy will also help you keep an eye on your employees’ tasks, which will help you track their productivity and improve it all together. The distribution of tasks will also keep the employees engaged, and they will look forward to the new task as it is not the same. 

2. Track Productivity
Productivity Tracking
As I mentioned above, tracking productivity is crucial, and if you want to ensure your employees are giving their 100%, you have to track their productivity. A great way to perform this work is to use the best remote employee monitoring software.  There are many tools available on the market for this task, but the best one is EmpMonitor. 
This tool has features like productivity tracking, screen capture, stealth mode, etc. which helps you intensively track the productivity of both remote and in-house employees. 

Here’s how you can use EmpMonitor to track the productivity of employees

3. Monitor User Logs
User Activity Monitoring
User logs are also important to monitor as it shows employees’ login and logout time. These logs will show you when an employee is coming online for work, and when he/she is logging out. Using it, you can track exactly how much time employees are working, and if they are staying punctual or not. You can also record these logs by using EmpMonitor.
Remote Employee Monitoring Software

4. Internet Usage
Data Usage Monitoring

Internet usage of an employee tells you which sites he/she has been visiting and how frequently. This usage needs to be monitored because while working from home, employees may use social media sites more, and it will affect their overall work. 

It can be easily done with the help of a productivity monitoring software, EmpMonitor. It has a feature called stealth mode, with the help of which you can track the activities of your employees without them noticing. The stealth mode hides the monitoring tool from the task manager so that users won’t find it there and close it. 

Doing so, you’ll be able to track the top websites visited by employees and see which site has been used most by them. It will help you minimize social media usage and help increase productivity. 

5. Track Idle Time
Idle Time Tracking

There are many other reasons for the loss of productivity; one such reason is idle time. Sometimes employees spend their time sitting idle for some reason, and working from home leads to this more often than usual as there are no restrictions. 

You can overcome this loss by using a monitoring tool like EmpMonitor. This tool tracks every activity of employees by working in the background, and it also tracks their idle time. If an employee is doing nothing for more than 5 mins (no keyboard or mouse input), it stops recording time as productivity hours.


Remote employee monitoring software is the perfect option to monitor the productivity of employees. Implementing such software creates a sense of responsibility amongst the employees, and they work more seriously. But, you have to do all these in the most ethical way possible as the monitoring should not affect the morale of employees.