Wednesday, May 13, 2020

06 Most Powerful Remote Worker Monitoring Tools

To a great extent, the achievement of target performance in every company depends on the quality of the productivity level of the employees. Every company faces new challenges in today's dynamic business world regarding sustainable profitability and the development of a committed workforce.

No company will perform and bring extraordinary results in this contemporary market  unless every employee is committed to increasing the level of organizational productivity. An important resource of a company is, its employees, either immediately mar out their output or contribute to its growth. Having said that, some companies seem to neglect to track their staff's everyday productivity.

As a result, the work output of employees is neither found nor governed to the detriment of business development. That ruins its ability to accomplish its goals automatically. But thanks to technology, companies don't have to wait for performance assessment services from long-term workers to know how successful their workers are.

Here are the top 6 powerful remote worker monitoring tools to measure employee productivity.


EmpMonitor is an employee monitoring software that helps in providing real-time tracking records of the employees and prevents wasting their productivity hours. This software serves best for both companies and individuals for keeping a track of the employee's overall productivity growth. 

  • It provides complete graphical reports of the top 10 websites visited and applications used. 
  • EmpMonitor has an extra-ordinary feature that allows taking screenshots of the employee's system at fixed intervals of time as per the desired needs. 
  • Every keystroke your employee types on the monitored computer is logged with this software.
  • Provides detailed insights of your employees Log In and Log Out time Plus their productive and nonproductive hours at one place. 
  • Not only these, but it also has multiple features that help in enhancing the employee productivity ratio, keeping them focused at work. 

WorkiQ is a program that monitors the computer activity of employees and provides information about their time spent on productive and non-productive applications.

The dashboards provide to the point visuals to tell you which workers are actively engaged in their jobs, and who are constantly being distracted.

WorkiQ gives you the ability to categorize these operations, monitor processes across all applications, and compare how similar work got done by other users.

Real-time dashboards deliver many advantages:

  • It provides detailed insights into the employee's productive and non-productive hours. 
  • Get spot details and encourage employees. 
  • Analyze the perfect productivity level of each employee, along with the complexity of the work people handle.
  • Manage the remote workforce as well in a similar way as that in the office. 
  • Identify the top performers so that you can replicate their work patterns across other people in the time.


Todoist, all-in-one software that keeps us up-to-date with everything from the small things that can escape our minds to the activities that we do every day. Person assignments, team activities, and custom-labeled projects along with deadlines and timely activities are tracked for productivity. The greatest benefit is that any platform we use is cross-compatible. It's cloud-based software. You can virtually access the platform on any device, wherever you may be.


Trello helps with visualizing workflows and arranging stuff. You can keep through teams in line, by using a cloud-based board to coordinate tasks. By getting out of the inbox it is simple to build new boards for various business functions and to handle processes more effectively. Trello simplifies your inbox and lets you resolve things. The free version is pretty stable, so get started and check it out easily.

Desk Time 

Desk Time, a powerful tool that delivers automatic tracking capabilities in real-time. It helps management to categorize programs used as productive, unproductive, and neutral during work and really determine how productive each and every employee in the company is. The tools also enable agencies to keep track of billable hours among their employees. It is a great all-in-all application for any company.


Asana is an effective tracking program that enables us to track their time so that we can better manage our budget. With the aid of its wonderful function called Harvest Timer, you can be in the loop on how much time you spend on each of the day's tasks. Tasks can be delegated individually and monitored in real-time, so in terms of our projects, we are all in the loop. It allows teams to deal with any problem immediately, which helps keep both clients and workers happy.

Also, you can watch the video, related to Manage Remote Work Easily With Powerful Monitoring Software: EmpMonitor(EmpMonitor AV Ad)

Wrapping Up 

These are the top remote worker monitoring tools. Each company when installed time monitoring software, helps to evaluate the two forms and split them into groups where they are properly tracked to beat their previous results.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

05 Ways To Track Remote Staff’s Productivity Efficiently


I am sure you already know all about remote employee monitoring software and their implementation in all the industries currently, due to the pandemic. That may sound convenient to you, but there are lots of things to be taken into consideration. 

When an employee is working from home, he/she is not bound by the rules or by the ever-watching eyes of the manager. There are also many distractions while working from home like; TV, phones, pets, etc. All of these factors lead to low productivity. Thus, to ensure that this doesn’t happen in your organization, I have put together five key ways with the help of which you track the productivity of your remote employees efficiently. 

1. Set Goals
Determine Goals
Setting goals for your employees is necessary as it helps you track their daily or weekly productivity. You should distribute the tasks between the whole team equally; this will decrease the workload on a single employee and help him/her maintain a better work-life balance. 

This strategy will also help you keep an eye on your employees’ tasks, which will help you track their productivity and improve it all together. The distribution of tasks will also keep the employees engaged, and they will look forward to the new task as it is not the same. 

2. Track Productivity
Productivity Tracking
As I mentioned above, tracking productivity is crucial, and if you want to ensure your employees are giving their 100%, you have to track their productivity. A great way to perform this work is to use the best remote employee monitoring software.  There are many tools available on the market for this task, but the best one is EmpMonitor. 
This tool has features like productivity tracking, screen capture, stealth mode, etc. which helps you intensively track the productivity of both remote and in-house employees. 

Here’s how you can use EmpMonitor to track the productivity of employees

3. Monitor User Logs
User Activity Monitoring
User logs are also important to monitor as it shows employees’ login and logout time. These logs will show you when an employee is coming online for work, and when he/she is logging out. Using it, you can track exactly how much time employees are working, and if they are staying punctual or not. You can also record these logs by using EmpMonitor.
Remote Employee Monitoring Software

4. Internet Usage
Data Usage Monitoring

Internet usage of an employee tells you which sites he/she has been visiting and how frequently. This usage needs to be monitored because while working from home, employees may use social media sites more, and it will affect their overall work. 

It can be easily done with the help of a productivity monitoring software, EmpMonitor. It has a feature called stealth mode, with the help of which you can track the activities of your employees without them noticing. The stealth mode hides the monitoring tool from the task manager so that users won’t find it there and close it. 

Doing so, you’ll be able to track the top websites visited by employees and see which site has been used most by them. It will help you minimize social media usage and help increase productivity. 

5. Track Idle Time
Idle Time Tracking

There are many other reasons for the loss of productivity; one such reason is idle time. Sometimes employees spend their time sitting idle for some reason, and working from home leads to this more often than usual as there are no restrictions. 

You can overcome this loss by using a monitoring tool like EmpMonitor. This tool tracks every activity of employees by working in the background, and it also tracks their idle time. If an employee is doing nothing for more than 5 mins (no keyboard or mouse input), it stops recording time as productivity hours.


Remote employee monitoring software is the perfect option to monitor the productivity of employees. Implementing such software creates a sense of responsibility amongst the employees, and they work more seriously. But, you have to do all these in the most ethical way possible as the monitoring should not affect the morale of employees. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

How Employers Are Using Productivity Monitoring Software To Ensure Discipline In Their Premisess

How Employers Are Using Productivity Monitoring Software To Ensure Discipline In Their Premises 

Gone are those days when activity tracking used to be considered illegal from an employee's end. Employee monitoring has become a fairly common norm in every reputed company. To be honest, it is a compulsion in the majority of workforces. 

The lockdown has made WFH compulsory in almost all the companies, as employers worry about their workers' safety. But it has also posed a substantial threat in front of them- how to ensure that the employees are actually working and not watching Netflix during the office hours? 

It is exactly where the best productivity monitoring software and tools come into play. Such tools assist the employers to keep a regular check on the employees' screens to let them avoid goldbricking and ensure data security in the distant workforces. Let us discuss in brief how these tools are actually helpful: 

1. Regular Updates 

Maintaining discipline requires constant surveillance and regular work updates. One commendable way to do so is by asking your employees to send their work updates from time-to-time. But it gets difficult to know their actual work status this way because a lot of the co-workers do not tend to be very honest. 

It would be better to keep a direct check on their activities via their screens. Various monitoring tools come with features like screen recording, screenshot capturing, tracking visited websites and apps, etc. This way, you don't have to rely on any data to check for work progress as you already know what the employees are doing every second. 

2. Track the Suspicious 

Tracking tools let you ensure data safety even in the distant workforces because you can look up for anything unusual and avoid it beforehand. It includes over-sharing of data, unwanted editing of files, unnecessary sharing of data between colleagues, etc. 

Once you start tracking the regular actions of your co-workers, they become more alert with their movements. Meaning, they are less likely to take any unwanted step or do anything against the company's guidelines. Activity monitoring, thus, ensures that everything remains safe and sound in the online premises. 

3. Record and Store 

Activity tracking does not end at monitoring and assessing the devices' screens. It includes recording and storing this data for future references as well. This way, you can hold the employees responsible for their activities and take necessary steps, if required. 

The first step to maintaining discipline in any workforce is to follow and implement the rules strictly. The day you start being lenient with the employees is the day they start taking things for chances. The quicker you are in taking actions, the better remains your workforce discipline. 

4. Analysis & Graphs

Analyzing user behavior is very important when assessing the status of your workflow. Productivity monitoring software like EmpMonitor, Teramind, Hubstaff, etc. provide their customers with user work analysis in the form of graphs, charts, etc. 

This way, the employers get to analyze the status of pending tasks and train their employees to work faster for the urgent ones. They can also look for the most visited websites and applications to understand the sources of distraction, along with any potential threat to their systems via malware. 

5. Time Tracking 

As already mentioned earlier, tracking the status of pending tasks assists employers in keeping a check on the productivity and work pace of the employees. Time tracking means recording the total number of productive and non-working hours. It is very crucial in any workplace, as it is a measure of the actual productive time of every employee. 

When you know the exact number of hours that your co-workers dedicate to their work, you get to assess their work justifiably. They cannot pretend to work during their 9 to 5 routine, and it becomes mandatory for them to take their work seriously over time. 

Also, to grab more knowledge on how to use tracking tool at its best, you can have a look on EmpMonitor - Best Employee Monitoring Solution For Business, by this video.


Productivity is an inevitable issue, be it an online or an offline workforce. Over the years, employers have always struggled to maintain discipline among the workers. While keeping an eye on them is, indeed, a good idea, you must also ensure that you do not hamper their privacy in this process. There are various such tools available in the market that will let you monitor your employees' activities. Find the best one that suits your organization and never miss out on your co-workers' productivity! 

Friday, May 1, 2020

How To Choose The Best Productivity Tracking Software For Your Business?

Every business owner wants to improve workflow management in their business. So they can enhance the work productivity for their firm. Though when you are working on different projects at the same time, it is usual to find the pending tasks piling in your inbox. And with time, it would increase the pressure on the executives and team leaders to manage workflow in their business. For better management of the workflow, management needs to keep track of the productivity and employee work engagement at the same time. Considering the above-shown reasons, employers should implement best productivity tracking software of 2020. Using which they can keep the productivity of their business intact and also improve the workflow of their business.

In this article, you will learn about the important factors to consider while opting for productivity and workflow management software.

So, let’s begin!

Productivity Tracking Software To Achieve Business Goals:

When you have set some targets for your team, you need to make sure to get it completed before the deadline. In such a case, productivity is an essential factor that can help you to reach your goals. Tracking work productivity, managers of the firm can also deal with pending tasks. And can assign that work to the team that can handle that job pretty well.

Having the best productivity tracking software like EmpMonitor by your side, you can accomplish having command over your projects. That way, it would be easier for you to have a clear view of the right direction to proceed with your business.

Things You Should Look Before Opting A Productivity Tracker
When management is opting for a productivity tracking application, they should consider the reliability of software. Having a reliable software means that business owners don't need to be worried about data security concerns. Especially when you are doing online business, data security concerns are probably the biggest issue. But if you have dependable monitoring software like EmpMonitor. Then you can rely on it to check and confirm the work progress in your organization without having any risks against data threats.

Remote Monitoring-
Today most people are looking for a flexible work-hours schedule in their job. Indeed with flexible work-time, it becomes easier for people to balance their work life. And it also helps them to improve their work engagement for their respective business. That is the reason why many of the companies have adopted work from home policy in their organization. While to achieve better productivity and management for the business, they can rely on remote monitoring software like EmpMonitor.

Time Tracking-
We know that time is an essential asset for business growth. Being an owner of the company, you can't afford to allow your staffers to idle around during the business hours. Using the productivity tracking application, you can learn about the work engagement of the employee. And it will also help you to track the individual performance of each employee. So, you can also keep an eye on the accountability and ensure that you are paying your staffers to gain productive results for the business.

Work Progress Recording-

Using the best employee monitoring software like EmpMonitor, you can also keep the past record of your work progress. It would automatically record the essential work data from the computers of each and every employee. EmpMonitor has this feature, which automatically tracks the business data and keeps them safe inside the cloud memory. All the recorded business data can only be accessible by the admin. EmpMonitor also has the feature which lets admin share the responsibility by assigning managers. And in the absence of admin, managers also access the software to track the work progress in the business.

For more details visit: How To Check Production Of Employees With EmpMonitor?

Final Words-

Have you been looking for productivity tracking software to manage the workflow in your business? If yes, then you should follow the above-shown trails to find the right productivity tracking for your business needs. Make sure that the tool you are investing in should have all the qualities to enhance the work progress in your business and contain all essential monitoring features. Hope you would find this article interesting and gain some insights. If you have any more suggestions to increase the business productivity, you can mention them in the comments section given below.

Monday, November 18, 2019

10 Most Effective Employee Tracking Software Features For Monitoring Remote Employees

Advancement in technology makes it possible for any business to set up their workplace even in remote areas. It also allows the employees to work there without any problem. It not only provides an opportunity to hire more capable employees from remote places but also helps cutting down the cost of utilities like rent and food. 

Even though there are so many advantages you get from expanding the wings of a business, there are still some of the problems like - employers does not have proper information about their employees. It is hard to check whether the employees are actually working on their assigned tasks or having fun on their productive time. Some of the employee monitoring software are actually working hard to help employers overcome such issues.

What Is Employee Monitoring/ Tracking?

Employee monitoring/tracking is the process of using various surveillance methods for tracking the activities of your employees, to keep an eye upon their productivity. It also helps one in avoiding leakage of any confidential information. It also helps in promoting discipline in the workplace along with boosting the productivity of any employee.

Are There Any Tools For Tracking Remote Employees?

Yes, there are various tools available online to track the activities of any employees' activities and avoid misuse of resources that are provided to them on their workplace. A good tracking software also helps you with email monitoring, software monitoring, telephone tapping, video surveillance, location monitoring, and a lot more. 

Some of the tools that are trusted by the employers the most are - Empmonitor, Hubstaff, Active Collab, Monitask, etc. 

What Are The Features Of Such Software? 

Employee Tracking Software Features

There are some set of features that any employer can look for the employees situated in remote locations. Some of the most common features are listed down below -

1. Time logging 

This feature helps the employer to track the login and logout time of their employees. It can help you to monitor the exact number of hours your employees spend working in a day.

2. Screenshot Monitoring 

One of the easiest ways to monitor whether your employees are properly utilizing their production hours or not. You can easily differentiate the total timing your employee is working sincerely with the help of screenshots. One can easily track the total hours spent on working, on non-productive things, and one can easily track that none of their confidential information is leaked in any way.

3. Active time tracking 

With the help of this feature, one can easily track the total time spent by a person on moving a mouse or typing after they login to their systems. 

4. Project management/ task tracking 

It is one of the fundamental features that you can expect from any of the monitoring software. This also helps the employers to keep track of the progress on each project they are working on. Best part of using monitoring software is that every feature they provide works well for different geographical regions as well. 

5. E-mail monitoring 

With this feature, employers can easily keep track of each emails that are sent or received by the employees. And it also helps one avoid spilling of crucial data or files from the office.

6. Keystroke logging 

It is an advanced feature that captures the actual text typed or information fed by the keyboard and can be reviewed later by the employer. It is one of the best employee tracking software features, but can cause some legal issues as it is accessing someone’s personal information. 

7. Social Media monitoring 

It keeps a record of all the social media sites used by an employee and the total time spent on each website. As social media is one of the major cause of goldbricking, this feature is beneficial to diminish employee distraction. 

8. Real-time Tracking 

This is one of the advance features that allows an employer to track on-screen activities performed by an employee. It restrains employees to perform any kind of non-productive work during working hours. 

9. Print tracking 

It shows the employer which documents of the company gets printed on remote server and prevents any leaking of any company information. This is the reason why employees, are restricted to print any of there official documents outside the office premises without informing to their managers and team leads. 

10. Advanced project management 

This feature statistically compares the projects planned and performed by any employees. It also helps in budgeting projects, invoices, etc. This feature, thus, makes it easier to track the progress of a company as a whole. 


Monitoring the work of any employee is one of the most crucial things for any employers. As it helps them in tracking their productivity and keep on checking any illegal activities happening inside the firm. Tracking of employees productivity can be illegal and thus, choosing a tool with proper permissions can do wonders. Also, above mentioned are some of the features that you must keep an eye on before choosing it for your company.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Monitor Employees' Computer: Choosing A Compelling Monitoring Solution For Your Workplace

An organization is incorporated with all types of employees. While some entirely dedicated to their work, whereas some don’t take their responsibility seriously. Such employees often pay more attention in playing games, using social media or searching for prohibited content on company-owned gadgets.

With the extensive expansion of online work, it becomes crucial for employers to keep a track on their employee's activities. And one of the most appropriate ways of doing that is using a software designed to Monitor Employees' Computer. Well, observation is not the sole purpose of monitoring, the accumulated data will also be useful whenever any violation occurs within the company. 

But, before you pick up an employee monitoring software, there are few things you should understand first. This comprehensive guide will help you to get started and let you make a better selection.

What Does Employee Monitoring Software Mean?

Monitoring software come up with a set of tools that can effectively record your employee’s behavior. By installing these kind of software at your workplace, you can figure out what websites your employees access, read out their messages, what apps they use as well as records of the file they open. The method of employee monitoring intends at safeguarding the company’s policies and assures employee productivity too.

Features You Should Consider Before Choosing Monitoring Software.

Website Monitoring

Monitor Website's Activity
  Web page monitoring feature record the details which includes the date and time when web pages are opened. Apart from that, one can conveniently put all the banned and problematic sites into the queue so that whenever employees attempt to access such websites, a warning notification sent automatically to the administrator.

App Monitoring


Apps monitoring feature is entirely similar to website monitoring, but here applications are monitored instead of web pages. If an employee is playing games during working hours or using apps that are not related to their work, the admin can figure out the time and duration as to how long applications were being used.

Email Monitoring

Email Campaign Monitoring
Sending emails is the most vital activity for any business. In order to manage email marketing campaign successfully, email format and attachments are subject to be viewed by the administrator.

Saving Screenshots


Most of the employee monitoring software has the features to take screenshots in real-time that provides employers an instance of seeing what their employees are doing exactly. Some can even record video clips to give a clear view of the employee’s workplace activity.

Detachable Devices Monitoring

Detachable Devices plays a significant role when it comes to transferring of any company’s sensitive data. Monitoring software notifies you whenever someone tries to attach devices to the company’s systems. In this way, you can save save valuable data from getting out of the organization. In short, you avoid policies infringement.

Should Employees Know That They Are Under Surveillance?

Most of the employers understand that when employees know about the presence of monitoring software at their workplace, they will start behaving differently. So if you want to get an appropriate illustration of how your employees act when they think that nobody is watching them, maintain secrecy. In a nutshell, it is wholly up to you, whether you want to tell your employees or not.

How To Choose The Best Monitoring Software?

Monitor Employees' Computer     
Set A Budget: Everyone aim to choose software that acts as the ultimate solution to their business needs. But, the cost is the most influential factor when it comes to the specifics of the software. If you want the best, make sure to evaluate your budget first. It saves you from bearing unnecessary cost exceeding the budget.

Read Testimonials: Once you list out budget-friendly products, it’s time to narrow down your selection. For this, you need to visit their respective website to read out client testimonials and company’s past achievements.

Attend Trial Session: A dominant employee monitoring software provides the facility of demos for their customers without imposing any charges on them. Since it’s free, you will be able to study the product features thoroughly.


The process of choosing an efficient monitoring software becomes straightforward when you follow a systematic approach. Currently, IT firms cannot even imagine of commencing their business without the installation of monitoring software to their employee's system.